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Showing posts from February, 2017


Everybody, at some point in their lives, has experienced failure. It could be something as  simple as not getting the job you wanted, or getting fewer marks even after working your ass off. But what defines you is not your failure, but how you get back up after being hit. BEFORE: He had a troubled childhood – his parents separated, and his stepfather was physically abusive to his mother and siblings. His mother was falsely convicted twice because of his stepfather’s allegations. Because they had no one to take care of them, he, along with and his siblings, had to stay in a foster home at the age of 8. His first marriage failed partly due to his choice of opting out of a medical career and because he cheated on his wife. Not only did he fail miserably at his job as a medical equipment salesman, but his girlfriend also deserted him due to his deteriorating financial conditions. Homeless, he stayed with his son at motels, parks, airports and once even in a public toilet. He t


You are greater than the mountain! What side & part of the mountain are you? 1.Are you heading a mountain? 2. On top of a mountain? 3. Ahead of a mountain? MOUNTAINS No matter what your educational, social or economic background, each one of us have our own individual mountains to climb. These mountains at times seems too steep for us to climb, but God has promised us that he will help us to not only climb our mountains, but to also overcome these mountains. Mountains in your life makes us strong , are stepping stone, takes us up to shine the light to the world and until we go up so high we couldn't see beyond the normal view These pressures of life, for example, financial pressures, job stress, marital problems, children giving us problems, family issues etc. can at times become so overwhelming that it pose a threat to our body, our mind, health and our very survival. It is in these times that we should remember that we serve a God that can remove, or help us


For a flower to bloom, a bean to sprout, or a tree to grow, it needs a lot of different elements. It needs sunlight, water, nutrients, the proper environment, and most of all it needs time. To grow healthy, strong, and for anything to live long, you need to have patience and understand that it’s a gradual process. A relationship is like a plant. First, a seed needs to be planted. Maybe two strangers notice one another from across the room, or two friends feel a shift in their relationship, or you’re introduced to someone and feel an immediate attraction. Whatever it may be, it all starts with a spark. After the seed of the relationship has been planted, it’s then up to you to decide what its fate will be. Will you nurture it and help it grow? Or will you leave it as it is and ignore it? If you choose to ignore it, well, it won’t go anywhere. Even if other factors are coming into play and helping it grow, it won’t progress because you aren’t making an effort and the relat