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Showing posts with the label Oprah Winfrey


Success begins with you "Until you make peace with who you are, you'll never be content with what you have" - Doris Mortman  Some of life's greatest lessons suggest that before we can attain success in the world around us - our communities, workplaces, homes - we must first achieve success within ourselves. The most important element we put into any goal or relationship is not what we say or what we do or what we have, but who we are. Believe  " Success begins within you"   Success begins with you. Principles that strengthen our capacity to start within include * Integrity * Humility * Gratitude Thank you .

SECRETS OF READING 6 BOOKS | Bill Gates | Zig Ziglar | Mark Zuckerberg | Oprah Winfrey | Warren Buffet | MOTIVATIONAL

Read Books "I think of life as a good book. The further you get into it, the more it begins to make sense" Reading is good, it makes you smarter, everyone knows it, right?  No, not everyone . It just happened that ‘most people’ are wrong again. Research shows that for anyone to write a "good book" He/She must have read three (3) books about a particular topic/subject before writing; to gain ideas or get in to the minds of three witters. So the logic here is if you read six (6) books on a specific title, you are to be rated as one of the best in the world. Because the math shows you have read eighteen (18) books: 3x6=18books  ideas of eighteen men/women on a specific issue. People tend to simplify things, and there is a sound reason for that — it is much easier to live if everything around you is categorised and labelled. This is good . This is healthy. "If we encounter a man of rare intellect, we should ask ...