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STORY OF A SURVIVOR |DEPRESSION (John Folk-Williams) Story of a survivor | pirevolution "You look happy, but you don't feel happy. That's what depression does to you." I was amazed to learn the full scope of depression and how pervasive it could be throughout the mind and body. I finally had a coherent, comprehensive picture of what depression was. That was a big step because I could at last imagine the possibility of getting better. I could see that I wasn’t worthless by nature, that there were reasons my mind had trouble focusing and that the frequent slowdown in my speech and thinking was also rooted in this illness. Perhaps the right treatment could bring about fundamental changes after all. Depression There were still traps ahead, though. I became obsessed with the idea of depression as a brain disease. I studied all the forms of depression, the neurobiology and endless research ...


STORY OF A SURVIVOR |DEPRESSION (John Folk-Williams) Story of a survivor Be Here, You are present, not here We laughed , I drifted We spoke , you couldn't hear me We walked , i was alone I am in pain and in it I walk deeper I know and don't know You look and don't see You hear and don't listen We were full of words, I was beyond the point of emptiness I said I am ok , you said ok I will return I said ,I was gone and was not found. Depression is a mood disorder that involves a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. It is different from the mood fluctuations that people regularly experience as a part of life. Major life events, such as bereavement or the loss of a job, can lead to depression. However, doctors only consider feelings of grief to be part of depression if they persist. Depress...


Emotional intelligence  The world consists of different people from different places, with different personalities, traits and makeup. With only one main common ground which is the earth in which we habit on and due to these differences in diverse people,  co-habiting and condoning becomes difficult some times or rather most times in this world with other people. Differences creates lack of oneness, lack of understanding and anger becomes inevitable. People tend to flare up towards others. Physical effects of anger Anger triggers the body’s ‘fight or flight’ response. Other emotions that trigger this response include fear, excitement and anxiety. The adrenal glands flood the body with stress hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol.The brain shunts blood away from the gut and towards the muscles, in preparation for physical exertion. Heart rate, blood pressure and respiration increase, the body te...


MARRIAGE A BED OF ROSES OR A BED OF THORNS Marriage a bed of roses or a bed of thorns  Marriage is a beautiful thing, it is an institution built on love and affection first before any other virtue.  In life, you don't get to choose your parents, siblings, relatives and even children but marriage gives you that opportunity to choose someone you want to spend the rest of your life with, based on love. Since the foundation of marriage is love (which means that you have an affection for each other)it should be a bed of roses which requires serious preparation. Most prepare for the ceremony and channel their energy, time and finances to the occasion which when covered or well taken care, they believe they are prepared for marriage. I'm particular about the neglected preparation which makes marriage a bed of roses.  These are: * Emotional preparedness: Study emotional intelligence. * Mental preparedness: Have a positive and right mindset about marriage. * Physical...


Silver spoon  The expression silver spoon is synonymous to wealth, especially inherited wealth; someone born into a wealthy family is said to have "been born with a silver spoon in their mouth". * But do they really end up wealthy? * The wealthy people you see today, were they all born with silver spoon? The answers are neither yes nor no, it is based on the individual's capacity to study, understand and practise the process of maintaining or becoming wealthy. Nevertheless, you can be born with a silver spoon and end up rich or poor it all depends on the individual. Truth be told one can become wealthy because of birthright or back ground but maintaining a life long wealth isn't innate so you have to be taught, it doesn't just happen. You have to pay the price. “It is not enough to be born rich to become a rich” Maintaining wealth is harder than becoming wealthy. Because many become rich but a few stay wealthy.  Everything in life is structured and...


FRIENDS - PIREVOLUTION Friends|PIREVOLUTION There's no perfect relationship. Relationship is an integral part of us "A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future and accepts you just the way you are."  Out of quite a number of people we call friends we still have categorised some usually few out of them as real or true friends. So I often ask , why do we refer to them as friends if we know they ain't real or true? Few days ago, I was with a friend, now when I say a friend I mean a true friend as we categorically say. Lol And I asked, when I say friends what'sthe first word to pop on your mind and he said "Trust ". Now in my head I will like "Wow!  The party just started till momma calls" This is because trust is sensitive and inevitable in anyway true friendship which is usually being broken these days. Talking trust, reliance comes in, totally openers and so on. And people hardly trust other people bec...


Success begins with you "Until you make peace with who you are, you'll never be content with what you have" - Doris Mortman  Some of life's greatest lessons suggest that before we can attain success in the world around us - our communities, workplaces, homes - we must first achieve success within ourselves. The most important element we put into any goal or relationship is not what we say or what we do or what we have, but who we are. Believe  " Success begins within you"   Success begins with you. Principles that strengthen our capacity to start within include * Integrity * Humility * Gratitude Thank you .


The hidden treasure  An affluent man blessed with twelve children, with an impetuous lifestyle was then diagnosed of cancer, but was lead to christ by a man of God. The answered prayer of his dear wife. All his children were stubborn and unbelievers. They wished for their father to die soonest and leave his treasure for them to inherit. Two weeks before he passed away, he had a dream which he refused to disclose to anyone, all he did was call his attorney in order to give his will and instructions on what to be done. Unfortunately his children got what they a wanted, their father passed away two weeks after. The burial ceremony of the father was indeed huge. Immediately his children stayed back all together to share the inheritance which they think their father had left behind, so they requested to see their father's attorney a day after. Father's love The attorney came as requested by the family for the reading of the WILL in ever...


Study Self To understand the phrase "study self as a profession" let us take you trough what Study, Self and Profession is first. STUDY: A written account of such research, examination, or analysis, application of the mental faculties to the acquisition of knowledge. Study can also mean to improve your knowledge of the natural world by study and observation. "Study everything, but study yourself first" SELF: The  self  is an individual person as the object of his or her own reflective consciousness,  One's particular nature or personality; the qualities that make one individual or unique.  A person's essential being that distinguishes them from others, especially considered as the object of introspection or reflexive action. "To study the man self is not optional" PROFESSION: A profession is something a little more than a job, it is a career for someone that wants to be part of society, who ...


Motivational speaker | PIREVOLUTION “Don't just spend all your time , invest some” Time is a gift given to man from eternity (timeless) so that man will know there's end from every beginning. Now! is the time to stop being scared to start or to try again. fear is like a mirage the more you push forward, the farther it goes and disappear. Stop procrastinating, do it now don't keep  looking and waiting for the right time, be the right person and create the right time. Until you address the issue, you can't get to your DESTINATION. Unsolved issue always revisit you in the FUTURE. Deal with it now!  Are you aware of the realities and factors of life? Life is hard! Storms will come, people will disappoint you and people will hate you for nothing, in fact your knowledge will be tested, your strength will be tested at all times. Most times even those you think are your friends will be against you. So have a positive mind and a positive plan. Never stand d...


Relationship tips Relationship: Is the way in which two or more people or things are connected, or the state of being connected. Can also be the  state of being connected by blood or marriage. How distant I am from people when I am with them, and how close when they are far away. - Khalil Gibran 1640s, "the state of being related," from  relation + -ship. This mean for a good relationship to work out, the persons involved will have to be on the same  "ship"  having one focus; common goal, common ground and help each other to succeed. TYPES AND STAGES OF RELATIONSHIP Stage 1. Friendship: Is a relationship of mutual affection between two or more people. Friendship is a stronger form of interpersonal bond than an association.   A friend is the first person you want to call when you hear good news. A friend remembers that you don't like pickles on your sandwich. A fr...

SECRETS OF READING 6 BOOKS | Bill Gates | Zig Ziglar | Mark Zuckerberg | Oprah Winfrey | Warren Buffet | MOTIVATIONAL

Read Books "I think of life as a good book. The further you get into it, the more it begins to make sense" Reading is good, it makes you smarter, everyone knows it, right?  No, not everyone . It just happened that ‘most people’ are wrong again. Research shows that for anyone to write a "good book" He/She must have read three (3) books about a particular topic/subject before writing; to gain ideas or get in to the minds of three witters. So the logic here is if you read six (6) books on a specific title, you are to be rated as one of the best in the world. Because the math shows you have read eighteen (18) books: 3x6=18books  ideas of eighteen men/women on a specific issue. People tend to simplify things, and there is a sound reason for that — it is much easier to live if everything around you is categorised and labelled. This is good . This is healthy. "If we encounter a man of rare intellect, we should ask ...