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Showing posts with the label what's your talent?


A  Talent  (or gift , or aptitude ) is the skill that someone naturally has to do something that is hard. It is an ability that someone is born with. People say they are "born with a talent". It is a high degree of ability or of aptitude. Someone who has talent is able to do something without trying as hard as someone who does not have a talent. Someone who has talent is called  talented . Talented people, as a rule, have many talents, for music, dancing, acting, sport, or other skills, but often only in single direction or genre, unlike genius . Even if someone has the talent they still have to work very hard if they want to be very good at something. Some people become quite good at something even if they do not have much talent, but if they are willing to work very hard at the skill. HOW CAN ONE ACTIVATE HIS OR HER TALENT Whatever your gifts or talents might be, there is something outside of you that activates them . If you’r...