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Showing posts with the label Holly Bible


The mind of Christ CHRIST’S FREEDOM - “let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus” (Phil 2:5) Text – Rom 12:2 “be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable, and perfect will of God” God commanded His people through Paul, to have The Mind Of Christ. Note that this is not an option but a command. We are not told to have a good mind, or a kind mind, or a mind purified by discipline, or a mind sharpened by intellect, not even the highest of human attainment in godliness and virtue, BUT the very mind of Jesus! God wants us to think like Christ! To have the very thoughts of Christ. The only perfect man who ever walked the earth. We are not to only strive to resemble Him, but to actually have His mind! This is a lifelong process. Today, we will look at the six characteristics of the mind of Christ: CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MIND OF CHRIST 1. Alive – Rom 8:6 “The mind set on the fles...


The hidden treasure  An affluent man blessed with twelve children, with an impetuous lifestyle was then diagnosed of cancer, but was lead to christ by a man of God. The answered prayer of his dear wife. All his children were stubborn and unbelievers. They wished for their father to die soonest and leave his treasure for them to inherit. Two weeks before he passed away, he had a dream which he refused to disclose to anyone, all he did was call his attorney in order to give his will and instructions on what to be done. Unfortunately his children got what they a wanted, their father passed away two weeks after. The burial ceremony of the father was indeed huge. Immediately his children stayed back all together to share the inheritance which they think their father had left behind, so they requested to see their father's attorney a day after. Father's love The attorney came as requested by the family for the reading of the WILL in ever...