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Showing posts with the label Healthy relationship


Ways to level Up the bonding in your marriage. You may associate bonding with your partner with the early stages of your relationship. But whether you're six months or six years in, there are always more opportunities to grow closer with your partner. Learning how to bond in a relationship can be a lifelong pursuit, but it definitely doesn't have to be difficult. There's a difference between struggling and putting effort into your relationship. With bonding, sometimes it will just take a little bit of conscious effort. Bonding with your partner takes work, Sometimes ‘bonding work’ feels easy and sometimes it feels difficult. Bonding with your partner feels easy when it flows out of shared interests, hobbies, or experiences. So if you can identify what little ways you're already sharing with your partner, you may be a step closer to bonding even more  and potentially growing your love and connection. You don't need to ask each other the 36 questions that lead to love...


RELATIONSHIP GOALS : MASTER YOUR EMOTIONS Master your emotions  Emotions, both good and bad, are an inescapable part of being human. Many of us, however, find it difficult to deal with our feelings, and this can cause an immense amount of suffering in our lives. Perhaps you’re someone who gets completely swept away by your emotional states or maybe you desperately try to numb and repress them. Either way, it’s clear that your feeling states have a huge impact on the quality of your life. A life run by our emotional reactions is a life of chaos and disorder for ourselves and those around us. To master your emotions and put them under subjection is very crucial to a healthy relationships with your husband/wife, family,  friends and colleagues etc... If you don't control your emotions it will destroy your relationship at any level in a second. How do you deal with your emotions at work? "Be the master and your emotions be your slave" That’s why i...