Poverty is a state of mind As a man thinketh in his heart so is he, wherever you are right now is a product of your thinking faculty, because thoughts always precedes action. So you've got to change how you think, dream big. If you've been dreaming small, because of your present state it's time to get out of your comfort zone and begin to reset your thoughts. Begin to think beyond your present circumstance, have a paradigm shift of the mind. How do you envision yourself? You've got to change how you see yourself, you're the architect of your future. Get up now and begin to sketch and paint your future. The hardcore truth is that what you want to be is up to you. Because you eventually become what you think about. Whatever you want to become is up to you So if you fail, Who do you think will be held responsible? Guess what? You're 100% responsible for it, likewise if you succeed. You're 100% responsible for everything that's happening ar...
Empowering individuals to unlock their potential and nurture meaningful connections. Life Coach, Relationship Counselor and a Strategic Leadership Expert. Let's create a life and love story you deserve.