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Motivational quotes
    How long will you keep living in yesterday; passed glory and passed event, you deny the beauty that today bring.
 Your future is not in the event or happenstances, its in your attitude and how you react to what happene to you.
What do you do with “today”; do you invest in it or waste it. Your actions today gives birth to your tomorrow. Never take today for granted is a hard currency.
“when you value today, tomorrow will give you value.” — Princewill Iliya

“When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.”
– Alexander Graham Bell
Tired from a full day’s work, Rosa Parks boarded a Montgomery bus on December 1, 1955. When she refused to obey the driver’s order to give up her seat in the “colored” section for a white person, she was arrested for civil disobedience. Parks’ act of defiance, and the Montgomery Bus Boycott that followed, are recognized as pivotal moments in the Civil Rights Movement.
“Your past does not equal your future.”
– Anthony Robbins
Newly divorced and struggling to make ends meet, single mom Joanne Rowling turned to work on the novel she had been outlining for five years. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone was published in 1997 under the name “J.K.” Rowling—her publisher didn’t believe a woman’s name would appeal to young boys. Six books and 10 years later, Harry Potter has shattered sales records and enthralled millions of reader of all ages.

"Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today". Malcolm X

Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago. Warren Buffett

Get inspired by a motivational speaker and a life Coach and a relationship Counselor.

Your today is always a free ticket to a beautiful future. Princewill Iliya. 


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