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Character now,  a double Identity   

What is character?  Character is a repeated act of a person, which has become a certain behaviour or attitude. Most of us always have issues, and difficulty/problems in our relationships because of our ignorance/lack of knowledge, and deep secret and mystery of character which is now a double identity.
Let me further expose the double identity in character so as to help you manage all the forms of relationship you have with other people like family, work, love, church members, coworkers, life coach, colleagues, class mates and what have you.
The number one identity is called the

Social Character 

This is the character or identity one puts on to make a good impression outwardly and to fit in to the environment outside our comfort zone such as social gatherings, religious gatherings. I.e one goes to church and behaves Holy just to suit and blend in to the atmosphere...likewise a social gathering, one tends to carry oneself in a good manner, worthy of admiration to earn good compliments from other people.
Social Identity 

And you'll end up showcasing the social identity instead of representing who you really are. The social identity is more of hiding your imperfections and pretending to be that perfect, gentle person in order to attract people's attention and goodwill. For example you meet a lady for the first time outside or let's say in a social gathering whoa! You may even think she's the most well behaved lady you've ever come across in your entire life but guess what?  You met her outside, where everybody is struggling to sell and market his/her self well, so you can't draw conclusions from there.

Domestic Character 

This identity is most a times involuntary because it really depicts who we really are, the real you when nobody is watching, so you're not trying to act up anything reason is that you're in your domain where you can't pretend to yourself. This character is inherent, so it plays unconsciously and happen automatically, sometimes without you planning for it.  Unlike the social identity that makes you conscious of how to relate, talk, walk and behave outside of your domain, so you strip off the social character when you come back home and that immediately reveals the domestic character.
Domestic  Identity 

I exposed this double identity because most of us have issues in our relationship especially when it comes to marriage and relationship with God. You play around and you feel God doesn't know the state of your heart, you've made yourself an Actor so you go around acting everywhere outside your home.

“Until you have seen man's domestic character he is still a stranger to you”

Of a truth, if you want to know a person, find out his/her domestic character looks like which he cannot conceal when you meet him/her at home. Such a one may conceal it for sometime but this domestic character is usually active in the home, so eventually the character will start popping up.
True Character 

You should know is possible to stop acting what you are not, you will end up hurting the very people you love who are close to you, while you make people that do not really matter to you happy; That is vain.
True Identity 

“Change the ugly character of you at home to be the beautiful character people will look up to in the society”

Have one face of character one Identity




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