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What is personal development? 
It is the conscious pursuit of personal growth by expanding self awareness and knowledge. It also entails all you engage in to improve your personal skills. 

This could be through activities that :
1. Improve awareness and identify
2. Develop talents and potential
3. Build human capital and facilitate enjoyability
4. Enhance the quality of life
5. Contribute to the realization of dreams and aspirations.

What do you need to know?
You need to be progressive in our thoughts and actions. For all that you are today is as a result of your actions and inactions of yesterday. 

You need to constantly work on yourself and be better at what you do until you gain mastery in your field of purpose. That will give you an edge in this generation.
“No profession or endeavor is greater than the other.”

There are broke doctors in town, we have engineers lawyers and professors who have resigned to go back to start life afresh in villages, and on the other hand we have athletes, musicians and artist who are making waves, enjoying  life and fulfilling purpose.

But all these didn't happen overnight, these folks worked on themselves.
I can do it
Don't just be focused or concerned about developing your career or getting an education; What value have you acquired as a person?

“ Your value defines your status”

You see sometimes I sit back and think, I studied Mass communication in the University and so I ask myself this question "if Mass communication was to be scrapped out of this world, what else do I have to offer? Not as a journalist now but as a person!
Have you ever thought about that also?
This calls for a building up of your person and personality.  This is a call to adding your worth as a person. It's high time that you stopped limiting yourself to just your current situation or job or career or even school... Widen your scope, broaden your horizon.

There are Nations waiting to hear the symphony you will produce, they're many out there waiting to be impacted by the influence you'll bring about, if only you will take out time to work on yourself and bring out the best in you. There is an audience awaiting your manifestation and it would be a great injustice to them if you settle for mediocrity.

later version of things are proven to be better than the former.
If the former version were to be good enough, then there wouldn't have been any need for a later version, but the world is constantly evolving so there's always a need for an upgrade.

Check out all the things that we are enjoying now, coloured television a better version of the old fashioned black and white TV, Cars, computers, phones, digital cameras.

We enjoy all these things because some set of people took out time to develop better things. If you take out time to develop yourself you will be better than the people of yester-generation.

In developing yourself the rapid effect will not only be seen in your life but it will affect generation to generation positively.

“Don't starve your generation with new innovation, is up to YOU! ”
Is up to you
Choose to develop yourself daily or conform to the world system; "The Norm".

Thank You.

Jochebed Joshua


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