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The everlasting treasure in the Bible
The hidden treasure 
An affluent man blessed with twelve children, with an impetuous lifestyle was then diagnosed of cancer, but was lead to christ by a man of God. The answered prayer of his dear wife.

All his children were stubborn and unbelievers. They wished for their father to die soonest and leave his treasure for them to inherit. Two weeks before he passed away, he had a dream which he refused to disclose to anyone, all he did was call his attorney in order to give his will and instructions on what to be done.

Unfortunately his children got what they a wanted, their father passed away two weeks after. The burial ceremony of the father was indeed huge.
Immediately his children stayed back all together to share the inheritance which they think their father had left behind, so they requested to see their father's attorney a day after.
The love of the father
Father's love
The attorney came as requested by the family for the reading of the WILL in everyone's hearing including the mother and two other witness.
The attorney brought a big  carton containing twelve New Bibles. In each of the Bible it is stated "Read me from begining to the end to complete the task" each copy was then given to every family member. shortly after that a big disagreement arouse in the mansion for some time which was later sorted out by the Pastor and attorney.

“When the door of opportunity of your storehouse opens for you, let faith and hope enter first"

Finally, everyone agreed to go on with the task regarding their father's WILL and they all began to read the Holy Bible and also living all together in the mansion with the goal of getting a share of the inheritance.
Find the hidden treasure
Find the hidden treasure 
The word of God transformed them as they studied daily and before they realized it, they have spent a month together as a family in peace for the very first time. Their mother was amazed at the changes that occured in the life of her children. The Pastor then led each of them to Christ and they all supernaturally  got born again.
Knowledge is priceless
Knowledge is priceless 
No thief, however skillful, can rob one of knowledge, and that is why knowledge is the best and safest treasure to acquire
The attorney said "The task is complete"!!!. No! Said the eldest son that is not the instruction given by our father we are to read from the beginning to the end. Then the attorney smiled and said you have accepted the greatest treasure he wanted. If you wish to continue reading it's also a wise choice and the main aim would be achieved.
They all studied the Bible to the very end with understanding.
Demystifying secrets life
Secret of life
All the children decided to finish reading the bible with understanding.

None of them bothered or worried about the wealth of their father instead they mourned him genuinely.

" The greatest treasure is hidden in the Holy bible, find it"

Appointment with destiny
Appointment with destiny 
"You can either be a victim of the world or an adventurer in search of treasure. It all depends on how you view your life"

The greatest treasure a man will ever have is Christ Jesus. Everything you have will pass away but the living word of God is everlasting. God and his word are one.

Thank you.


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