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Me time
Sometimes you just need to be alone, that's  okay. This doesn't mean anything is wrong with you or even that anything is wrong in your life. Sometimes you need to create the space to soul search, recover, think, rest and just be. You don't have to apologise for needing or taking this space, it's part of what makes you a happy healthy person.
Recharge my batteries
Recharge my batteries 

You can't pour from an empty cup,  Take care of yourself first.
Me time is an absolute time to relax, reflect and Recharge. It makes a huge difference to our happiness, having quality time for ourselves reboots our brains,enhances our relationships and even makes us more productive.
Love yourself for who you are, and trust me, if you are happy from within, you are the most beautiful person, and your smile is your best asset.
Withdraw sometimes
Withdraw sometimes 

Now, I know how life could be running on a fast lane on most days and chocked up with hustling and bustling that we loose consiousness of ourselves and the little important things that matters most in and to our lives. This is absolutely the reason we don't need to let things or life get too hard on us, bringing us to a place of depression before we find ourselves having a situation emergency "me time"/ mental breakdown  which may likely end-up in mostly tears, sadness, worry and loneliness time.

Me time is to be created. It should be anticipated. Also, it should be deliberately taught to create and have time just for you. Me time is a need in our lives.
"There is no worth in gaining all and loosing yourself "
And now
And now
Thank you for connecting with us, we love to get feedback from you below. 

By Nihyel Iliya 


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