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Thinking capacity of your brain | Motivational Speaker 
George Bernard once said, “Few people think more than two or three times a year; I have made an international reputation for myself by thinking once or twice a week.” Scientifically, this is technically impossible but morally then we can be quick to judge.
Perhaps the most complicated and greatest asset a human being can have is the processing power between your ears. This in mind, investing in this supercomputer is the greatest gift you can give yourself.
Amazingly, scientists think that the average humans only use 10% of their brain! Very few of us take time or allocate resources to train our brains. Neurosciences believe that we are stuck with the same brain we were born with!
The good news is that you don’t need to be a billionaire to improve memory. or your thinking capacity. Think of your brain as a muscle that needs to be exercised.  All you need to do is dedicate some few minutes every day to do some exercises.


1. Exercise regularly

Exercise regularly
Just as you take time to do some physical exercises, you should allocate time to do some mind exercises. Mind exercises improve mind fitness just the same way physical exercises improves physical fitness. Neurologists have proven that regular exercises of the brain enhances brain functioning and improves neurogenesis. Physical exercises have also been linked to the formation of new brain cells and thus you should stay physically active too.

2. Train your memory

Train your memory
If you don’t use your brain, it will stagnate. If you want your dog to be a better fetcher, you must train or get it trained to fetch. Likewise, if you need you brain to be better; you must train your mind to retain memory. Discipline yourself to memorize phone numbers and other essential numbers (passport, credit card, insurance, driving license). The more you add to your brain, the more you expand its capacity!

3. Question facts and think positive

Don’t take everything at face value. Develop a habit of questioning everyday things. Ask yourself the “what if questions”. What if we didn’t invent the wheel? What if the continents moved? By being curious, you train your mind to be innovative and develop ideas. They say curiosity killed the cat, but they don’t tell you that the same curiosity created electricity.
Neuroscientists, have linked anxiety and stress to killing of brain neurons and also hamper new neurons being created. Psychologist have found out that positive thinking, especially in the future, boosts the production of new cells and dramatically controls stress and reduces anxiety.

5. Nourish your brain with a healthy diet 

Balance Diet | pirevolution
The food you eat is without doubt a big contribution to proper brain functioning. The human brain consumes over 20% of all the oxygen and nutrients that we consume! Feed your brain with good stuff like fresh fruit and vegetables and plenty of Omega 3 oils. 

6. Read! Read! Read!

Read and Read
Reading not only relieves tension and stress to the brain-cells but it also gives you another perspective on things. Books are the best way to grow your brain and expand your thinking, but social media and magazines are a good source of humor and everything that can’t fit into a book. Reading is the best way to train your brain and expand your thinking.Read books which are not only fun but also expand your knowledge. 

7. Get enough sleep
Get enough Sleep | pirevolution
Sleeps is the reset button for the brain. When you sleep, your body regenerates brain cells and does all the maintenance work on both your body and your brain. A daily dose of 4-6 hours of sleep every night has proven the best way to improve thinking and create new ideas and innovations. etc.........
1. Get inspired each day: The very first self development skill is creating an inspirational room for your-self. This room will help provide you by providing the peace, where you can analyze yourself. The neat, clean and tidy room will boost up your positive energy levels and thus will motivate you in return. This motivation will further enhance your concentration and will result in shocking and amazing positivity in one’s life. However, the messy and untidy room will swing your mood from good to bad and will start de-motivating you.  
“It’s when the discomfort strikes that they realize a strong mind is the most powerful weapon of all.” 
Chrissie Wellington
2. Build on your strengths: Have you ever played cricket or any other sports in your school time?? Your teacher or trainer must have guided you with the line “practice makes a man perfect”. The phase is too old but the meaning is still fresh and still helps many individuals to strengthen their Self Development skills. Also, constantly working on your skills will give rise to the ability where an individual will become master of his or her unique skill, let’s take Jackie Chan, his hardships and practice made him the master of kung-fu....etc..
I've organized collective wisdom into six “secrets,” or if you will, rules to live by:
  1. Make Your Own Lifestyle Decisions
  2. Put Your Family First
  3. Wherever You Work, Be in Business for Yourself
  4. Make the Most of the Money You Bring Home 
  5. Turn Your Debts into Golden Investments
  6. Map Out Your Own Financial Future
If you focus your time and energy in the pursuit of these six principles, I guarantee that you'll lead a richer life in many more ways than the sum total of the money in your stock and bond portfolio! But don't get me wrong. Invest in Yourself is not a rule book. What we're advocating is a self-designed life, where you spend your time and energy getting what you want, and doing what you believe in -- not wasting them on things you might not really want, but think you “should” have.
“Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.” 
Thomas Jefferson
Thank you.


  1. Thanks for sharing this informative post. But to boost memory power you can also take brain booster natural supplements for more better results.


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