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A GREAT STORY | ONE GOOD DEED | MOTIVATION A great story  “There's always room for a story that can transport people to another place ” - J.K Rowling. Every  Saturday morning, I take a light jog around a park near my home. There's  a lake located in one corner of the park. Each time I jog by this lake, I see a particular  young man sitting at the water's edge with a small metal cage beside him. This Saturday,  my curiosity got the best of me, so I stopped jogging and walked  over to him and as I approached him I realised that the metal cage was infact a small trap. There in were four unharmed  turtles, slowly  walking  around  the base of the trap. He had a fifth turtle on his lap that he was carefully scrubbing with a spongy brush.   "Hello",  I said "I see you here every Saturday morning. If you don't  mind my nosiness , i'd love to know what you're  doing with these turtles". Help someone 


EAT HEALTHY - PIREVOLUTION Eat Healthy - PIREVOLUTION  “The greatest wealth is Health.” Healthy eating is about eating smart and enjoying your food.  Eating a healthy diet is not about strict limitations, staying unrealistically thin, or depriving yourself of the foods you love. Rather, it’s about feeling great, having more energy, improving your health, and boosting your mood. Take care of your body - PIREVOLUTION  “Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.”  —Jim Rohn Healthy eating doesn’t have to be overly complicated. If you feel overwhelmed by all the conflicting nutrition and diet advice out there, you’re not alone. It seems that for every expert who tells you a certain food is good for you, you’ll find another saying exactly the opposite. The truth is that while some specific foods or nutrients have been shown to have a beneficial effect on mood, it’s your overall diet


Small choices big changes - PIREVOLUTION  In so many ways, you're exactly where you're at today because of all the decisions you have made, big and small. "It's the small choices that bear us irresistibly towards our destiny" To develop and apply an exceptional level of intelligence in life and work,  we must combine the perceptions and impressions of the human gut,  heart and mind.  If we operate with old mindsets,  assuming  that the old "facts" about human motivation and work relationships are still correct, we are wasting large amounts of energy, time and money and falling far short of the result we could achieve.  Life is the sum of all your choice - PIREVOLUTION  "Small choices can make you or break you." - PIREVOLUTION  William James,  a pioneer in philosophy and psychology, said, " All of life is but a mass of small choices -  practical, emotional and intellectual - systematically organized for our greatnes


HOW TO TURN YOUR PASSION INTO PROFIT The ability to dream and convert the dream.  Passion into profit  #AnEntrepreneurialJourney Salome Anyasodo like Salome Anyasodo, you'd like to turn what you love into a viable business enterprise, start with these six tips. Don't count on passion alone. Be good at what your business does. Remember the details. Dole out responsibility. Hire passionate people. Share your passion. Keep the passion alive. Prioritize your passion. THESE ARE THINGS THAT GOT ME TO WHERE I AM TODAY.  Birth of elanfoods Logo  Definiteness of purpose-burning desire Have a plan ACT Most ideas are still born and need the breathe of life injected into them through definite plans of immediate action. RESEARCH ON THE PRODUCT OR SERVICE Research on yourself, product and environment. Test it. Double Check HONE YOUR SKILLS Invest in yourself-talent is not enough. Keep learning and emp


Emotional intelligence  The world consists of different people from different places, with different personalities, traits and makeup. With only one main common ground which is the earth in which we habit on and due to these differences in diverse people,  co-habiting and condoning becomes difficult some times or rather most times in this world with other people. Differences creates lack of oneness, lack of understanding and anger becomes inevitable. People tend to flare up towards others. Physical effects of anger Anger triggers the body’s ‘fight or flight’ response. Other emotions that trigger this response include fear, excitement and anxiety. The adrenal glands flood the body with stress hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol.The brain shunts blood away from the gut and towards the muscles, in preparation for physical exertion. Heart rate, blood pressure and respiration increase, the body temperature rise


MARRIAGE A BED OF ROSES OR A BED OF THORNS Marriage a bed of roses or a bed of thorns  Marriage is a beautiful thing, it is an institution built on love and affection first before any other virtue.  In life, you don't get to choose your parents, siblings, relatives and even children but marriage gives you that opportunity to choose someone you want to spend the rest of your life with, based on love. Since the foundation of marriage is love (which means that you have an affection for each other)it should be a bed of roses which requires serious preparation. Most prepare for the ceremony and channel their energy, time and finances to the occasion which when covered or well taken care, they believe they are prepared for marriage. I'm particular about the neglected preparation which makes marriage a bed of roses.  These are: * Emotional preparedness: Study emotional intelligence. * Mental preparedness: Have a positive and right mindset about marriage. * Physical prepa


Silver spoon  The expression silver spoon is synonymous to wealth, especially inherited wealth; someone born into a wealthy family is said to have "been born with a silver spoon in their mouth". * But do they really end up wealthy? * The wealthy people you see today, were they all born with silver spoon? The answers are neither yes nor no, it is based on the individual's capacity to study, understand and practise the process of maintaining or becoming wealthy. Nevertheless, you can be born with a silver spoon and end up rich or poor it all depends on the individual. Truth be told one can become wealthy because of birthright or back ground but maintaining a life long wealth isn't innate so you have to be taught, it doesn't just happen. You have to pay the price. “It is not enough to be born rich to become a rich” Maintaining wealth is harder than becoming wealthy. Because many become rich but a few stay wealthy.  Everything in life is structured and


ME TIME - PIREVOLUTION Me time | PIREVOLUTION   Sometimes you just need to be alone, that's  okay. This doesn't mean anything is wrong with you or even that anything is wrong in your life. Sometimes you need to create the space to soul search, recover, think, rest and just be. You don't have to apologise for needing or taking this space, it's part of what makes you a happy healthy person. Recharge my batteries  You can't pour from an empty cup,  Take care of yourself first. Me time is an absolute time to relax, reflect and Recharge. It makes a huge difference to our happiness, having quality time for ourselves reboots our brains,enhances our relationships and even makes us more productive. Love yourself for who you are, and trust me, if you are happy from within, you are the most beautiful person, and your smile is your best asset. Withdraw sometimes  Now, I know how life could be running on a fast lane on most days and chocked up with hustling


FRIENDS - PIREVOLUTION Friends|PIREVOLUTION There's no perfect relationship. Relationship is an integral part of us "A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future and accepts you just the way you are."  Out of quite a number of people we call friends we still have categorised some usually few out of them as real or true friends. So I often ask , why do we refer to them as friends if we know they ain't real or true? Few days ago, I was with a friend, now when I say a friend I mean a true friend as we categorically say. Lol And I asked, when I say friends what'sthe first word to pop on your mind and he said "Trust ". Now in my head I will like "Wow!  The party just started till momma calls" This is because trust is sensitive and inevitable in anyway true friendship which is usually being broken these days. Talking trust, reliance comes in, totally openers and so on. And people hardly trust other people bec


SOME THOUGHTS ON JOURNALISM Some thoughts on journalism  I believe that everyone is born with an inquiring mind, but is those that feel a natural urge to push and probe for additional facts and information that are in an advantageous position to follow a journalism career. Although it is not the only significant part, training is an important aspect of every journalist. It is easy to say adequate training; it is unlikely that any individual will reach their full potential. It is through a higher level of teaching that we are able to learn and develop the sufficient techniques that transform us from being simply ‘good’ writers into successful, thriving journalists. Experience is a vital part of a journalist’s life, and those experiences should be savored and used for good purpose. Some journalists carry out their work without using enough facts. Who would be the best journalists? The one with an inquisitive mind, who chooses to do nothing with it? Or the other person wh


MOTIVATION - PIREVOLUTION PROMOTIONAL VIDEO BY JPI Life is more than a jam packed day-timer. PIREVOLUTION is officially open to serve you better in 2019 through our motivational articles, public speaking,  inspire you to be successful and bring out the best version of you daily. Everyone needs a dose motivation to be successful SOME OF LAST YEAR'S AUDIENCE FEEDBACK  Comments from audience  THANK YOU!  WE LOVE TO GET FEEDBACK FROM YOU, ALWAYS DROP YOUR COMMENTS BELOW 


RELATIONSHIP GOALS : MASTER YOUR EMOTIONS Master your emotions  Emotions, both good and bad, are an inescapable part of being human. Many of us, however, find it difficult to deal with our feelings, and this can cause an immense amount of suffering in our lives. Perhaps you’re someone who gets completely swept away by your emotional states or maybe you desperately try to numb and repress them. Either way, it’s clear that your feeling states have a huge impact on the quality of your life. A life run by our emotional reactions is a life of chaos and disorder for ourselves and those around us. To master your emotions and put them under subjection is very crucial to a healthy relationships with your husband/wife, family,  friends and colleagues etc... If you don't control your emotions it will destroy your relationship at any level in a second. How do you deal with your emotions at work? "Be the master and your emotions be your slave" That’s why i


Success begins with you "Until you make peace with who you are, you'll never be content with what you have" - Doris Mortman  Some of life's greatest lessons suggest that before we can attain success in the world around us - our communities, workplaces, homes - we must first achieve success within ourselves. The most important element we put into any goal or relationship is not what we say or what we do or what we have, but who we are. Believe  " Success begins within you"   Success begins with you. Principles that strengthen our capacity to start within include * Integrity * Humility * Gratitude Thank you .